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Transcript https://www.mediafire.com/file/f4uwvwbpjazcru0/Josh_Cary_transcript.docx/file (Download)
Josh Cary
https://joshcary.com/ (The Hidden Entrepreneur Show)
https://joshcary.com/about/ (Joshcary.com/about)
emotion, attract, people, message, capable, josh, life, day, world, event,
noise, identify, ed, methodically, founders, habits, retaliate, hidden, happen
Ed Watters,
Josh Cary

Ed Watters

power that we can find in podcasting. It can change hearts. It can change
minds. It can change the world. Stories change lives. And it takes you to help
get out there and tell your story. So you can impact make a difference. Our
guest today does just that. He went from hiding himself to really opening up
and helping others find themselves and change the world. We’re going to talk
with Josh Cary today, the co-founder of PodMax. Let’s get right into this great
interview. To overcome, you must educate. Educate not only yourself but
educate anyone seeking to learn. We are all Dead America. We can all learn
something. To learn. We must challenge what we already understand. The way we
do that is through conversation. Sometimes we have conversations with others.
However, some of the best conversations happen with ourselves. Reach Out and
challenge yourself. Let’s dive in and learn something right now. Today we have
Josh Cary with us. He is the host of The Hidden Entrepreneur. Josh, could you
please introduce yourself? Tell people who you are, what you do, and how you
got to where you are today, please?

Josh Cary

absolutely will. Thanks. By the way, Ed, for inviting me on Dead America. I’m
already a fan. I love it all. So long story short, today, I am, like you said I’m
the hidden entrepreneur. And that’s because I spent 40 years hiding. I showed
up in every situation, hiding my true self, my true talent, and everything that
I was actually capable of achieving. I did that because I was so fearful of
rocking the boat, and I didn’t want to come across like I was so capable and
powerful. Because then what might happen, you might retaliate if you felt a
little insecure about what you’re capable of. Right? Because if I’m just
inadvertently doing my thing, coming up with something wonderful, powerful, you
know, quite quite great. Something certainly in my wheelhouse. It might make
you feel insecure. And if you retaliated, I felt growing up that I didn’t have
the strength or ability to defend against that. So I just avoided it
altogether. Now what was so difficult was behind closed doors, what caused so
much angst, anger, depression, dare I say jealousy was because every moment of
every day I knew what I was capable of doing. So that that whole disconnect
just created this, this whole miserable person. Now cut to today, I’m the proud
father. I have two adoring children, a seven-year old daughter, a five-year-old
son, who early on in their young lives. I realized that I see what’s happening
here. I’m the child in this circle. I’m the one throwing the tantrum. And
they’re looking at me like, you got to do something about that. And I made that
immediate case to do just that. And I knew that I didn’t want to continue down that
path. Because if I did, and they grew up with that kind of father, how is that
going to wind up for them? Right? We know that outcome. So