Desh Amila

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Desh Amila ( ( ( (
Transcript Amila.docx/file (Download)
Desh Amila
documentaries, important, Sri Lanka, podcasts, civil war, understand, science,
conversations, film, ideas, country, movie, system, world, truth, Desh,
freedoms, lived, intellectual
Desh Amila, Ed

Ed Watters

no better way to close out a season than with a great call to action. To make a
better world, it takes action. Our guest today is Desh Amila. And we talk about
his fantastic documentaries. Now, more than ever, we need courageous men and
women to stand up. We need people to talk; we need communication. Our world can
feel like it’s falling apart around us. But all it takes is for people to
educate themselves. With the great documentaries that Desh and his team put
together, they illustrate how important it really is to remember history. And
more important, how to challenge yourself to understand what is truth. Let’s
not waste any more time and get into this great episode to finish off this
fabulous season. And I can’t wait for next season. Let’s get into this. To overcome, you must educate. Educate not
only yourself but educate anyone seeking to learn. We are all Dead America. We
can all learn something. To learn. We must challenge what we already
understand. The way we do that is through conversation. Sometimes we have
conversations with others. However, some of the best conversations happen with
ourselves. Reach Out and challenge yourself. Let’s dive in and learn something
right now. Today we have Desh Amila with us. He is a documentary filmmaker, and
he is a passionate advocate for change. Desh, could you please introduce
yourself and let people know just a little bit about who you are and how you
got to where you are today.

Desh Amila 03:47

you for having me. I am, as you mentioned, a documentary filmmaker. I’m also an
entrepreneur, and I migrated to Beston, Australia. I migrated to Australia just
over 20 years ago from a country called Sri Lanka. Some of your listeners may
know the country. My journey has largely shaped me during my time in Sri Lanka,
which was 1981. My birth year was the beginning of a civil war. So I’ve only
known my country as a country of Civil War, which lasted 28 years. So I’ve
moved to Australia in about 2000. And since then, I have been involved in the
various number of things. My education was in filmmaking. But around 2010, I
started getting involved with intellectual events. So I’ve been running events
for a very long time, and I had the luxury of working with Some of the greatest
minds in the world. And it’s always been my dream eventually to start making
films. In 2019, early 2019, late 2018, I released my first film, Islam and the
future of tolerance, featuring Sam Harris and Maajid Nawaz. And I have a new
movie called Better Left Unsaid, which is scheduled to come out in March this

Ed Watters

Well, both of those are very good
documentaries. And I…