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Dr. Krishna Bhatta
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people, silence, intermittent, app, thoughts, create, energy, theater, explore,
flame, universe, minutes, practice, world, power, conversation, talk, guided meditation,
Dr. Krishna
Bhatta, Ed Watters
Ed Watters
I had the unique opportunity to sit down and speak with Dr. Krishna Bhatta. Dr.
Bhatta is a surgeon, an inventor, an author, and so much more. But what we
talked about with Dr. Bhatta was a personal side of Dr. Bhatta. His willingness
to sit down and teach us all about what he’s learned about the inner silence
and developing skills to calm yourself under any situation. It was a pleasure
to talk with Dr. Bhatta. Let’s not waste any more time and get into this great
interview. To overcome, you must educate. Educate not only yourself but
educate anyone seeking to learn. We are all Dead America. We can all learn
something. To learn, we must challenge what we already understand. The way we
do that is through conversation. Sometimes we have conversations with others.
However, some of the best conversations happen with ourselves. Reach Out and
challenge yourself. Let’s dive in and learn something right now. Today, we have
Dr. Krishna Bhatta with us. He is a surgeon, an author, and an inventor, a
fabulous person to talk with. Let’s get right into it.
Ed Watters
Bhatta, could you please introduce yourself and let our audience know what you
do and how you became who you are today?
Dr. Krishna Bhatta 03:09
thanks for having me on your show. And it’s a great pleasure to be beginning of
the new year. So a belated Happy New Year to you and to your audience. I’m a
urologist by profession. I’ve had a career in medicine and also parallel
meditation, which is not a career but for my personal growth. And now I’m
willing to share and I have started sharing with people my experience and my
growth in that area.
Dr. Krishna Bhatta 03:47
into you, you have had a fascinating life. And you’ve experienced so much. What
we’re going to talk a little bit about today is finding yourself through
intermittent silence, the power of inner theater, also some power of inner
conversation, which I really love. Could we start with intermittent silence and
let our audience know what exactly is intermittent silence?
Dr. Krishna Bhatta 04:22
Let’s start with two questions for the new year. One is, who controls what you
do? And the second one is do you understand that? That’s good to hear. Many
people or many of us just do things but we don’t know who is in control.
Sometimes it’s our belief systems, sometimes it’s our customs that we grow, and
sometimes it’s just social norms that dictate what we do. So, getting the
control in your hands is more important for whatever you do. Even if it is a
glass of water or a cup of coffee, you are not doing it just because you have
done every day, you do it because you actively want that coffee. And it’s in
your control we can say no to. And the second one is spending time with…
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