http://www.mediafire.com/file/odd7ymd4dgtouj3/J._Maddison_Interview_Transcript.docx/file (J. Maddison transcript )
An innovative and strong-willed entrepreneur, Jacqueline Maddison, has forged business relationships along the way that have allowed full development of each of her professional visions. With a streamlined plan of action and relentless focus, her business plans flourish. She is an impeccable business woman, with excellent communication skills and a sharp intuition that guides her way. She is taking the business world by storm, and at such a young age!
Keep a close watch on this young lady, she is going places. Originally from South Africa, born-again Christian entrepreneur, Jacqueline Maddison, tells her unique story of how she lost everything and rebuilt her life by her powerful relationship with God becoming Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine with NO MONEY!
Her message of one of faith, hope, and charity. As a Spiritual Success Coach, you will learn the Spiritual Secrets of Success in her new book, the 7 Oracles of Success, where you can apply them to your own life to pursue your own impossible dream, step into your destiny, and live your dream life. She’s living proof, that if she can do it, so can you! What are you waiting for? God’s got a good plan for your life…Go for it! Believe in your dreams!
7 Oracles of Success
My Walk with the LORD
Jacqueline Maddison ORACLES
http://www.jacquelinemaddison.com/ (www.jacquelinemaddison.com)
http://www.beverlyhillsmagazine.com/ (www.beverlyhillsmagazine.com)
http://www.7oraclesofsuccess.com/ (www.7oraclesofsuccess.com)
Ed Watters Intro
To overcome, you must educate. Educate not only yourself but educate anyone seeking to learn. We are all dead America; we can all learn something. To learn, we must challenge what we already understand. The way we do that is through conversation. Sometimes we have conversations with others. However, some of the best conversations happen with ourselves. Reach Out and challenge yourself. Let’s dive in and learn something right now.
Ed Watters
And today, we are lucky to have Jacqueline Madison with us. To start off Jacqueline. Would you introduce yourself and tell people what you do?
Jacqueline Maddison
Yes. Hi! First of all, such an honor to be with you Ed. Thank you. I am the founder and editor in chief of Beverly Hills magazine. I’m an entrepreneur at heart, but I’m also a spiritual success coach, where I teach people the spiritual secrets to success that will allow them to step into their destiny, align with their life purpose and live their dream life just as I’m doing.
Ed Watters
We can tell you know how to live your dream life, and with your story, it’s just amazing that you’re where you are. So, let’s get into that, you were born or came from South Africa, and you ended up in America. Could you tell people about that?
Jacqueline Maddison
Yes, absolutely. So originally, I’m from South Africa our parents, my parents, I have two, two brothers and a sister moved us here in ninety-three. We were seeking the American dream you know and there was political and instability in the country at the time, unfortunately. So, yeah, so we came here, and it was a struggle, obviously, it was a challenge growing up. I, definitely we had to endure some hardship, but I’m really glad to be here and I…
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