As many people along with myself. Saying reflection is a must to better ourselves. It’s time to do a little bit of thinking on that concept. I think we really need to go further. With this. Reflection is great. It’s how we grow. However. I think you need reflection. With accountability. This is extremely important. A lot of people live in a bubble that they create. Because they never. Get accountability for their reflection. What do I mean by that? A lot of us, we find comfort in understanding. Ourselves. However, we can’t truly understand ourselves. If we don’t listen to the people around us. These people that we interact with day-to-day. We need to reflect with their impression also. We need to find out what people think about us in order to understand. How we truly are. Or what some perceive us to be. Is it a facade? Are you being somebody who you’re not? This is the trap that many people get. Stuck in? They reflect. But they only reflect on those things that they remember how they see things. This is dangerous if you truly want to fix yourself. You’ve got to incorporate the thoughts of others. For instance. My wife and I, we’ve been through some roller coasters, ups and downs. It’s part of life. However. When I started down the journey of self-discovery. Self-help. In transformation. I was trying to reflect. On the way I saw things. How I understood things. This was a trap. And I got stuck in this for quite some time. And then I realized. It’s part of the roller coaster. If you do not. Listen to others how they see. What went on in your life? You’re just going to loop back until you fix it. It’s a perpetual cycle that can’t be ignored. Many of us. Want to ignore? What we can’t take? We can’t take. And sometimes taking criticism. About us. We find that offensive. This itself is a trap. Sometimes criticism is offensive, and sometimes that criticism should not be there. Constructive criticism. Comes from those closest to you. I remember getting mad a few times. When I was put in check with my attitude. However. Nothing was going to change until I accepted. That other people saw the other side of the coin. And I needed to really incorporate that into my understanding to get a full entire picture of how things happen in my past. This way I can direct a better a brighter future that is better for myself and the people around me. Reflection is very important and I think it’s vital that we all incorporate what those people that are closest to us. Really think about us. And you should have these conversations. You should find out. What people think of you? And, you know, often I say I don’t care what people think of me, and that is true. However. There’s also falseness to that because it’s important to understand what people think of you. Because it’s the only way to get a well-rounded picture of who you truly are. So yes. I say reflect often. Reflect. With accountability. Bring those closest to you into your conversation. And bring accountability. To what you’re trying. To change. You will be amazed. At how far you will go. Once you accept. The other side of the coin. Reflection. With accountability. I’ll see next time.
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