Transform Your Thinking with Ed Watters Season 1 Episode 1
It all starts with a thought.
When we transform our thoughts, we transform our world.
Let’s start with today’s transformation.
Let’s start it right now.
Welcome to Transform Your Thinking.
Transform Your Thinking is a new podcast focused on helping you transform your thinking.
Your thought really matters in life.
Over the last five years, I have spoken with so many individuals about how we transform ourselves.
How we better ourselves.
Bottom line, it starts with our thought process.
Each and every day when we wake up and our feet hit the floor, we have to be aware of what we are thinking.
Our worst enemy is ourself.
Getting deep inside of our head, first thing in the morning, it can devastate us.
Fixing that routine.
Fixing how we think about everything we do in life.
It’s key to being happy, and that’s truly what we all want, is to be happy.
I can also tell you, we all win when we face the so-called monsters in our head.
We can start fresh and live extraordinary lives if we just try.
So, what stops most of us from breaking through the mindset muddle?
I can only tell you that when I stopped lying to myself and others,
that’s when I started to find pure happiness.
This podcast is about helping others identify how to change their thought, their patterns.
I personally understand the struggle that we all face with the monsters in our heads.
I asked for assisted suicide to try to check it out, get out of this world, because I did not understand it was my own thoughts,
my own troubles that I had to face.
And so many times we want others to fix us.
This is impossible. You must fix yourself, and that starts with the way you think about the world,
and especially how you think about yourself.
Transform your thinking. We’ll be short, episodic series that can truly help us discover how to think properly.
It all starts with a single thought.
So, join me right here each week as we discover new ways to think about the world that we live in.
And remember, life is only as good as you want to make it.
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