Most problems stop when we accept to live within our means
It all starts with accepting who and what we are. This never means that you can’t climb out of the struggles that plague you. Every second that I have wasted chasing more than I was, just added to the misery and suffering that had plagued me for so many years. Chasing money and thinking that the money would fix all my problems when the rat race of chasing money was indeed the very thing causing most of the problems.
You know, what I have found is that you are so much happier when you choose to be who and what you are at that point and time in your life. Once we decide to do this all the stress and every other emotion that is tied to the chase melt away, we start to think with clear intentions, and our focus shifts to becoming a better person eager to improve ourselves. This is when our choices become clear, and our judgment tends to be much better.
When we need something, it is so much better when we keep our budget in mind and the focus can then become a bartering tool. For example, I came to a point when I needed a truck but had no way to just go buy a truck. This can make you feel desperate and make you do things that might not be wise. I was presented with an offer to buy a truck from a person who knows me. I told him that I could not give him what he was asking, and I told him the amount that I could pay him, and he said that he couldn’t do that so I said that I was fine with that and that I would just wait and keep looking for what I could afford. It was a couple of weeks later that this person called me and said that he would accept my offer.
The bottom line is if I can’t, I don’t. However, it doesn’t mean that I can’t do it. This is the place most people get in trouble; they are willing to put themselves at risk when they shouldn’t. Look at the rate of credit card debt in America and around the world. It appears that everyone is so far in debt that it is affecting them negatively. It’s clear we have a problem when it comes to controlling ourselves and living within our means. Our pride is more important than our health and safety.
When we choose to stop competing with the Joneses and focus on growing our wealth at a more manageable rate for where we are in our life journey, life can and will get better. If you don’t have it put the work in to achieve it. Stop thinking that you driving a brand-new automobile is a right. This is a privilege after many hours of hard work.