Podcasting Should Not Have GateKeepers

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If you have been podcasting for any time, you have found out about the “GateKeepers.” They run everything about podcasting, which is what they would have you believe. After as many years as I have been involved with the podcasting space, you could say that I have witnessed my share of shady behaviors. This is why I feel that it is up to the independent podcaster to set industry standards and not the so-called gatekeepers.
So, who are the so-called gatekeepers? Let me start by saying that I don’t feel that there is such thing as gatekeepers in podcasting, also I don’t think that podcasting should have any gatekeepers in the space. This is the pure genius in the RSS feeds itself, by design it allows a very open way for all of us to disseminate information. This means you can freely express yourself via written word, Audio, or video, the choice is yours. Even with the design of the RSS feed you find yourself fighting an uphill battle against the “So-Called GateKeepers.” Yes, the struggle is real, and it is one of the reasons not good but great podcasters fail. You find them selling your hosting, in places where you share your podcasts like Directories, Social media platforms, and more.
As a creator, it is up to you to get around the gatekeepers. Do you have a personal website? Do you control the website? This is the sort of question that every podcaster should be asking. If you are playing the game you need to understand whom you are playing against. Make sure that you do your homework and find ways that you can save money. The GateKeepers love to be inside your head telling you that you need this or that to be a good podcaster, driving their profits up and driving you out of podcasting. One of the best ways to do that is to use your ego against you. So, as you are paying for that award or podcast promotion is it real? or are you just feeding your ego and the gatekeeper’s pocketbook?

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Podcasting can be very profitable for some, Are you one of them? Before you let the gatekeepers run you off, take just a moment and remember the spark that made you interested in podcasting in the first place. This is the place your head should be in, not on the hype that is always present in podcasting. I have witnessed so many fading fads in podcasting and yes, I have taken the bait on my share of them. But, I’m here to tell you that you can enjoy podcasting without the FOMO! (Fear Of Missing Out). Every one of us understands this feeling, and the gatekeepers also understand this and that is why they spent big money on the research to help drive their profits. You should be having fun and knowing that you are helping others with your struggles and achievements that you chose to share with your audience. It is always better when you keep it at a level of professionalism that makes you happy and not ready to quit the project that you have started.
Now before I close, I would like to tell you that every part of your dream of being an outstanding podcaster can and will come true if you make the right choices along your journey. I want to give you the number one tip that will help make this come true. “Consistency!” Make sure that you keep putting episodes out each week or on the schedule that you base your show’s release date on. This is the only thing that I can say that truly works. You will always get comments that make you say to yourself that this will never work. KEEP DOING IT! It is never going to happen overnight and if you just keep growing with each release, you will be a great podcaster.
Let’s also remember that podcasting was made for people just like you so that you can share your voice in the manner that you choose. Make sure that you join us and ask your questions about podcasting.