Ed Watters

The 12 Tribes

It allstarted when Abraham established himself in Canaan and paved the way for theformation of the 12 Tribes of Israel. The death of Abraham in Genesis 25:8signaled a change. **Read Verse** The Bible next turns toAbraham’s son, Isaac. From Isaac comes Jacob. Jacob produces twelve sons, andthese twelve sons become the 12 tribes of Israel….

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Respect, is it forgotten?

What is it? For our use today, let’s understand.

Respect is used as a verb.

1: to consider worthy of high regard.

2: to refrain from interfering with.

As in

please respect their privacy


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When The Audio File Monster Comes

It will catch you off guard! As a podcaster, the worst thing can happen when we face the nightmare of losing all our podcast audio files. It will and does happen to all podcasters at some point. It is dangerous to think that it could never happen to you. It hits you hard after you…

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Rejecting Social Norms! 🤔😨😮😤

They say that “birds of a feather flock together!” Do you ever feel isolated from events? Do you ever feel that you might not fit in? And more so, how do you feel about that? Let’s take some time and dive into this topic just a little.

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Overcoming Temptations 🤔

Let’s start with, what is temptation?

the desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise.
a thing or course of action that attracts or tempts someone.

Many times, in my life have I wished that I could have overcome tempta

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Fear is the destroyer of logic!

Fear is an inherently unpleasant experience that can range from mild to paralyzing. constant worry, and daily insecurity, can quietly but seriously harm your physical and mental health over time.

Fear is also partly imagined, so it can arise in the a

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We are Issachar Episode 1

This episode we cover the basics of who Issachar was and his testimony along with his father and mother’s story. The first few episodes we will continue to dive into what we will be presenting here on the podcast. As we get deeper into each episode we will begin to connect the modern day with…

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Why Devaluing Others is Destructive Behavior

Let’s start with Understanding Devaluation

Devaluation is the act of diminishing or undervaluing someone’s worth. This behavior can manifest in various ways, such as belittling someone’s ideas, criticizing their actions, or dismissi

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Discussing Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, Law, and Leadership: A Conversation with Brian Beckcom

In this podcast episode, the host engages in a stimulatingconversation with Brian Beckcom, a trial attorney, podcaster, computerscientist, and philosopher. The dialogue navigates numerous topics, rangingfrom questions about consciousness and intelligence to the burgeoning influenceof artificial intelligence and societal ethics. They also discuss the pace oftechnological advancements and its implications on law and governance. Theconversation…

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Podcast hosting, does it really matter? 🎙️🤔🛑

Podcast hosting, does it really matter? 🎙️🤔🛑 Selecting where and how you host your podcast media files should be done with care and consideration based on your podcasting needs. Every podcaster will encounter unique challenges based on their needs, and these challenges might lead each podcaster to a different method of hosting their media files….

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