Dead America Podcast

Hosted ByEd Watters

Dead America Podcast We talk about people. We love finding new ways to learn and grow every day.
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All Episodes

Understanding Critical Race Theory: Insights from Dr. George Maurer

In this episode of the Dead America Podcast, host Ed Wattersengages in an enlightening conversation with Dr. George Maurer, author of‘Critical Race Theory In Your School, How To Fight...

Preserving Memories with Beternal: An Interview with Jimmy Spikes

Join us in this episode of the Dead America Podcast as wediscuss the importance of memory preservation with Jimmy Spikes, the creatorand CEO of Beternal. Discover how Beternal offers...

Navigating Car Accidents and Legal Advice with Josh Brumley

Join Ed Watters on the Dead America Podcast as he interviewsJosh Brumley, CEO of Brumley Law Firm, a car crash attorney from Seattle,Washington. In this episode, Josh shares his...

Mastering Digital Marketing with Zaid Ammari

In this episode of the Dead America Podcast, host Ed Watters speaks with Zaid Ammari, founder of PPC Masterminds, about his journey from a bank employee to running a...

Overcoming Outrage: Conversation with David Beckemeyer

In this episode of the Dead America Podcast, Ed Watterstalks with David Beckemeyer, host of the ‘Outrage Overload’ podcast. Theydiscuss the importance of education, challenging existing beliefs, andfostering meaningful...

Navigating Spirituality and Overcoming War’s Emotional Scars

In this insightful episode, host Ed Watters converses withJohn Lawyer, a spiritual guide and military veteran, about the importance ofeducation, self-reflection, and challenging existing beliefs throughconversation. John shares his...

Unlocking Psychic Abilities and Life Lessons with June Edward

In this enlightening episode of the Dead America Podcast,host Ed Watters is joined by psychic medium and bestselling author June Edwardto discuss her journey, insights, and teachings. June, author...

Maxwell Ivey: Inspiring Journey of The Blind Blogger×428258685876874700 In this compelling episode of the Dead America Podcast, hostEd Watters interviews Maxwell Ivey, known as The Blind Blogger. Maxwell shareshis inspiring journey from growing up...

Navigating Conflict in Relationships with Lisa Gray | Dead America Podcast

In this enlightening episode of the Dead America Podcast,host Ed Watters sits down with Lisa Gray, a marriage and family therapist, todiscuss effective conflict management in relationships. Lisa shares...

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